Blog 1.0.19 Pricing Contacts Offer

Public offer

Individual entrepreneur Troshkov Andrey Vladimirovich (hereinafter referred to as the executor) proposes to conclude an agreement on the terms of the offer:

  1. For the purposes of this offer, the following terms are used in the following meanings:
    Offer - a public offer addressed to any individual.
    Agreement - an agreement between the client and the contractor for the provision of services, which is concluded through the acceptance of the offer.
    Offer acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by registering the client in the accounting system on the contractor's web server at
    Client - an individual who has accepted the offer and is a consumer of services under the concluded Agreement;
    .psd file - file containing design layout.
    HTML site layout - a web page generated using the HTML markup language
  2. Subject (hereinafter - services and/or products) - extended access to information obtained from the psd file uploaded by the client, and services for its more convenient use
  3. The Agreement is considered concluded for an indefinite period from the moment of acceptance
  4. The Contractor has the right to change the offer and contract. Changes take effect 5 days after publication on the website
  5. The cost of services and the list of available services - on the site
  6. Clients pay for services on the site
  7. The Service is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The client uses the service at his own risk. The Contractor does not guarantee the correctness of the service. Under no circumstances will the contractor be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the client's consumption of the contractor's services
  8. The client has the right to send a notification about errors in the provision of services to the client and demand that errors be eliminated
  9. Elimination of errors in psd file processing is performed in the order of the service modification queue. Payment for services by the client does not entitle him to an extraordinary correction of the error, unless otherwise specified in the service description
  10. The Contractor has the right, of his own free will, to solve the client's problem out of turn, if its correction does not require a lot of time and resources
  11. The Contractor is not responsible for temporary interruptions and interruptions in the operation of the Contractor's Internet resources and the loss of information caused by them
  12. The client has no right to terminate the offer and demand a refund of the cost of services after the start of their use (regardless of whether he downloaded psd files or not)
  13. Contractor and clients do not sign acts. Payment confirms the quality of services
  14. The Contractor grants customers the right to use the information and services of the Contractor's website ( and does not provide other rights
  15. Pre-trial dispute resolution is mandatory. Jurisdiction of disputes - Barnaul Arbitration Court
  • Individual entrepreneur Troshkov Andrey Vladimirovich
  • INN 225101432100
  • OGRNIP 321220200218419
  • Tel .: 89619919289
  • Email: